
Playball with Henry

Playball is a programme that introduces children to sport in a fun & enthusiastic way. We help build confidence & aid with their motor development by playing a variety of games & sports.

A professional development team has refined the programme over a period of 30+ years & are continually upgrading the content of all stages. Coaches are trained regularly to use special coaching methods which have been researched for over 35 years by Playball as well as specifically designed sporting equipment.

We run an afterschool weekly class for students where they are provided with new techniques in 6 different sports & fun exciting games. Depending on their age & ability classes are created to increase their movements & knowledge in sport with the help of our Playball manuals & coaches experience.  Individual student reports will be provided on functional movement, social development etc. at the end of the school year.

We are fully insured, all our coaches have been Garda vetted which we have already provided. For more information please contact Henry Bryce at 087 1760 382  or email
