
School Information

Child Safeguarding

Please note the following personnel in relation to our school Child Protection Safeguarding Statement.

Designated Liaison Person: Mrs. Caroline Colleran, School Principal

Deputy Designated Liaison Person: Ms. Breda Mc Auliffe, Deputy Principal

Official Opening Times

Our school day is from 9.20am- 3.00pm for 1st class to 6th class and 9.20am to 2pm for Junior and Senior Infants.
Pupils are expected to line up in the yard in the mornings from 9.10am and they will be collected by their classroom teacher at 9.20am. Supervision from members of staff in the playground begins at 9.05am. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for pupils who arrive on school grounds early. The school day finishes at 2pm/3pm and classroom teachers will walk their classes to the door/ front gate/wall for collection.

Office Hours

The office opens at 8.30am and closes at 4.00pm.

The office is closed for lunch at 1.30pm  until 2pm. For health and safety reasons, we ask that all visitors including parents report to the front office when entering the school.

Visitors’ Book

For health and safety reasons, all visitors must report to the front office and speak with our secretary. On entering and exiting the school, all visitors must sign in and out using the visitors’ book. This includes parents/guardians who come to the school during school hours to collect pupils for appointments, to drop off lunches, or to collect pupils if they are sick. We kindly request that you do not go directly to your child’s classroom. Thank you.

Attendance / Absenteeism

In the event of your child being absent, please inform the class in writing either through the School App or in your child’s journal. We are obliged to monitor school attendance. The school must report to the National Education Welfare Board the name of any pupil who is absent for an aggregate of 20 days or more in a school year. This is a legal requirement on schools and one where there is no discretion.

Pupils leaving school early

If it is necessary for a pupil to leave school early, the teacher must be informed in writing in advance either through the School App or through the child’s journal. Parents/guardians are asked to call to the secretary’s office from where your child can be collected. Any person collecting a child on behalf of the parent will be permitted to take the child only if the parent contacts the school beforehand.


Parents are always welcome to meet with staff in relation to their child. However, we kindly request that you phone in advance for an appointment. Such appointments can be made through our secretary.


The car park at the front of the school is available for parents to “drop and go”. Please be vigilant when dropping off and collecting children at the front of the school as it can be a very busy time. Please refrain from making U-turns at the “drop and Go Zone” as it can be an extremely dangerous manoeuvre. Please remind your child to be careful walking the paths and crossing the road.   Pupils living close to the school may consider walking or cycling to school in an effort to reduce the volume of traffic. Cyclists must dismount from their bicycles/ scooters when coming in to the school grounds and park in the bike rack.


The school uses the School App and Text a parent system to communicate with parents. Accordingly, it is very important we have an up-to-date mobile number and email address for you. If your details have changed, please inform our secretary.

Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies

Please ensure you read these important policies available on our school website.We have the highest of expectations with regards to behaviour of our students. As a “Care School”, we encourage core values and qualities to promote care and kindness throughout the school.  Our staff endeavours to promote positive behaviour of all students. Our Code of Behaviour Policy ensures that all classrooms follow the same set of classroom and school yard rules. Students are rewarded by class teachers for making good decisions. Those who decide not to follow our rules are given opportunities to amend and change their behaviour. Continuous misbehaviour and serious misdemeanours are communicated with parents by written notes home or phone calls. The school asks that parents support the work of our staff by constantly reminding their children of the necessity of showing good behaviour whilst at school. This way, all students will be able to work in a safe and cooperative working environment.

Uniform/Tracksuit Policy

Students should wear their full uniform at all times. Tracksuits are permitted on P.E. days or if they are competing for a school team. Some days are non-uniform days but these are communicated to parents in advance.

Resources for Parents