
A Care School

A Care School: The ABI Care Programme

This November, we introduced and initiated the ABI (Anti-bullying Intervention) care programme following training by Monica Monaghan.  The programme aims to enhance care, empathy and compassion in children to reduce the possibility of children using bullying behaviours. 

Each month every class will focus on the following themes:

  • Caring: November
  • Random acts of Kindness: December
  • Empathy: January
  • Belonging: February

Some details about the programme:

  • •The ABI Programme makes anti-bullying a regular part of the school’s overall policy for promoting a positive social learning environment, mental health and wellbeing by providing training and guidance on how to create and implement an effective, sustainable Whole School Anti-Bullying Policy.
  • •Climate testing of students followed by detailed recommendations report with graphics of numbers and statistics that compare individual class and school data with other schools and national averages. The results are also used for before/after comparisons to measure how effective implementation of the Programme is.
  • •Quality training for teachers and students in origins of bullying behaviour and strategy for detecting and resolving bullying situations using a No-Blame, No-Anger approach.
  • •An information talk was held for parents about the programme in advance of the commencement in the classrooms.
  • •Regular advice on prevention strategies and teaching resources, including monthly activities modules that teachers can easily implement in the classroom.
  • •In keeping with DES Anti-Bullying Guidelines, covering all nine principles outlined by the Anti-Bullying Working Group as being necessary to underpin a school’s approach to preventing and tackling bullying.

•             For more information please check out