
Green Schools

We are delighted to announce that all the hard work has paid off and we have been successful in earning our fifth Green Flag for Biodiversity in 2018.

Previously, our school had already earned four green flags for our work on litter and waste, energy, water and travel.  In order to earn our new green flag we must show that we are maintaining these themes in Scoil Bhríde, Straffan as well as working on our new theme.

Flag 1: Litter & Waste

We are working hard to ensure recycling is done properly in our school. Teachers nominate 2 bin monitors each week to keep an eye on this.  Battery recycling boxes were sent home with each child.

Flag 2: Energy

Our goal is to reduce the amount of electricity used in school.  We had a poster and slogan competition to help us remember to turn off our lights when not in use.

There were so many amazing entries that is was very difficult for Energy committee members to choose. The two winning posters were displayed in classrooms beside the light switches as a reminder to turn off our lights when they are not needed and save electricity.  Don’t forget to do the same at home!!

Flag 3: Water

We are trying to reduce the amount of water used in our school. The sub-committee members thought that one way we use a lot of water is washing our hands. While some children use no water by using their sanitising hand gel to achieve the same results.  After conducting a survey in all classes we discovered that while a lot of children are using hand gel, the majority are using water to wash their hands.

It is our aim to reduce the number of children using water and increase the use of hand gel.

GROWN UPS– we need your help to achieve this goal so please ensure your child has a small hand gel in their hygiene bag.

Flag 4: Travel

For this award, Our Walk on Wednesday was greatly encouraged in the school.  Classes compete each week to earn the Golden Boot or the Silver Runner for travelling to school in a green way.

Each Wednesday a survey was done in every class and the Green Schools sub-committee oversaw how many people travelled to school by walking, cycling, scooting, bus, park & stride or car-pooling. The classes with the least amount of people travelling by car are crowned the champions!