
Primary Summary Self Evaluation Improvement Plan



In the last year, we have looked at teaching and learning in Numeracy in our school, to find out what we are doing well. This is what we discovered: – Pupils enjoy partaking in concrete Mathematical activities during station teaching in junior classes and team teaching in middle and senior classes. – Pupils regularly achieve success in teacher designated tasks and standardised tests across all class levels. – Staff are confident in teaching the Mathematics Curriculum and regularly undertake Continuous Professional Development in various Mathematics areas. – Team teaching in Mathematics is common practice across most class levels, providing for greater teaching, learning and assessment opportunities.

This is what we did to find out what we were doing well, and what we could do better: – Standardised tests in Numeracy were analysed at all class levels. Numerical reasoning, found within Problem Solving, was identified as an area for improvement. – A Pupil Focus Group from every class was surveyed, to gather information relating to pupils attitudes towards Maths. Results were generally positive. – During Team Teaching Stations, pupils are provided with various opportunities to discuss and problem solve across most class levels, however providing pupils with Mathematical Thinking Strategies would aid this process. – Teachers gave classroom observation feedback of daily Mathematical activities within their classrooms. They reported pupils engaging and attaining specific Numeracy objectives. Problem Solving and its associated mathematical language was highlighted as an area for improvement. – Parental attitudes towards Numeracy were surveyed. Results were positive and a clear awareness of their child’s level and ability in Numeracy was noted.

This is what we are now going to work on: – We will implement a scaffolded whole-school approach to the use of the mathematical language when Problem Solving. Junior Infants to 2nd class will learn and use the R.U.D.E. method (Read/ Underline/ Draw/ Estimate) and 3rd – 6th class will learn and use the R.U.C.S.A.C. method (Read/ Underline/ Choose/ Solve/ Answer/ Check), to support Mathematical Thinking Strategies involved in problem solving operations.

– We will increase the use of digital technologies to inform Assessment of Learning (AoL) and Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Mathematics and other subject areas, through the use of Seesaw App. This will afford greater self assessment opportunities for pupils at all levels.

This is what you can do to help: – Support and encourage your child to use the specific mathematical language of R.U.D.E. (Junior Infants – 2nd class) and R.U.C.S.A.C. (3rd 6th class) when completing any problem solving activities. – Become aware of ScoilBhríde’s Mathematical Language Parent Guide and Times Tables Guide to support pupils through correct use of Mathematical terminology and processes. See the following documents for more information:

  • ScoilBhrídeStraffan NS Parental Guide to Mathematical Language
  • ScoilBhrídeStraffan NS Whole School Times Tables Guide for Parents

Here is some information about how we are carrying out our work and about what the Department of Education and Skills requires us to do.

School time and holidays

The Department requires all primary schools to have 183 school days each year and ScoilBhríde has a calendar of school days that reflect this.

The Department sets out a standardised school year and school holidays and all our holidays are scheduled within the permitted time.

The Department sets out arrangements for parent/teacher meetings and staff meetings and all our meetings are in line with the DES regulations.

Looking after the children in our school The Department requires schools to follow the Child Protection Procedures it has set down. – Our board of management has agreed in writing to do this. – All teachers know about the Procedures and we have told all parents about them and how we follow them. – Our Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Mrs. Caroline Colleran and our Deputy DLP is Ms. Breda McAuliffe

Enrolment and attendance

The Department requires schools to have and publish an admissions policy, to record and report attendance accurately, and to encourage high attendance and participation.

– We have an admissions policy and it is published. – We reviewed and updated our admissions policy. – We keep accurate attendance records and report them as required.

We encourage high attendance in the following ways:

Regular updated Attendance Policy shared with the school community.

Discussion about attendance at Junior Infant Induction meetings to encourage good attendance from Junior Infants.

Discussion at parent-teacher meetings where necessary.

Regular updates on the school’s attendance on the School App or website. Parents can also notify school of pupil attendance through our School App.

Attendance policy regularly updated along with our School Attendance Strategy.

Positive affirmation of attendance when the roll is being taken.

Records of attendance in students’ school reports.

Posters and displays of students/classes with good attendance. Pupils with high attendance are publicly acknowledged at school assemblies at the end of each year and receive a Certificate of Attendance from our school Principal. They also feature on our school website/ App having achieved same.

This is how you can help:

After school every day: Make sure that the homework is done as early as possible and that your child has a healthy and wholesome dinner.

The night before: Prepare items and belongings for the next school day. Get your child to bed at a reasonable hour every night. Set the alarm on your mobile phone or the alarm clock for the morning.

Before school every day: Get up on time in the morning so that you will not be rushing. Get your child to eat some breakfast every morning. Talk positively about school.

Let your child know that who will be there to collect him/her in the afternoon and/or who will be meeting them at home when they come in.

You know your child best. Only keep your child at home if s/he is really sick.

Keep the school informed of any changes in circumstances.


Positive behaviour for a happy school

The Department requires schools to have a code of behaviour, and asks us to consult parents and children about it. We do this.

Our code of behaviour describes and supports positive behaviour.

We have a very clear and high-profile anti-bullying policy in our school.