Dear Parents/ Guardians,
From today, the Antigen Testing Programme commences in Primary Schools Pods where a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified..
If your child tests positive for COVID-19, we are asking that you inform me (The Principal) IMMEDIATELY through the office. I will then contact the parents of the relevant POD through text message and via a letter by email. The letter will outline how parents can request antigen tests through the HSE. This will be done with the strictest confidentiality as I will not be sharing any identifying details of the confirmed case.
If there are 2 or more cases confirmed in a classroom within 7 days, the whole class will receive a text and letter by email from me so antigen tests can be requested by parents for the children.
All children in the POD can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic and do not have a positive COVID-19 antigen or PCR test result.
Please be reminded that if your child has any respiratory symptoms, they should self-isolate and get a COVID-19 PCR Test. Even if a child has a negative test but continues to have respiratory symptoms they should not go to school as they may spread other viral infections. Please refer to the HSE Isolation quick guide
There is a good Q and A piece for parents on along with the information I shared last Friday on the APP.
I would like to thank you all for your cooperation during this challenging time with COVID-19 and new variants. We all want to get to Christmas safely and ensure that we all have good health to enjoy the festive season.
le meas,
Mrs. Colleran