
COVID-19 Reminders for Everyone

Today is a great day that offers hope and positivity for everyone, as the country begins a series of easing of restrictions around COVID-19. It is wonderful to see some level of normality return in our lives.
However, we are urging everyone to remain vigilant around the public health guidance so we can continue to keep our school community safe and remain COVID-19 free. To date our school has had a great record and we are asking that with your continued support, we can ensure that our school continues to remain COVID Free.
As a reminder, if your child is unwell, please keep them at home. This refers to ALL illnesses, not just possible COVID-19 symptoms. If your child becomes unwell at school during the school day, we will ask you to take your child home. Unfortunately, we cannot take any risks which could potentially put other children or staff at risk especially during a pandemic.
A child needs to be symptom free for 48 hours according to HSE guidance before they return to school currently. Any child returning from an illness will need to complete BOTH the “Return to School after Absence Form” and the “Absentee Form”. These two forms are available on our School App.
Please see attached below the HSE ISOLATION QUICK GUIDE FOR UNDER 13S ON ILLNESS AND RETURNING TO SCHOOL (which outlines the protocols schools follow when a child is sick at school ) and also the Symptoms for COVID-19.

All adults must wear Masks around the school vicinity at all times.
Please keep a 2m distance from others outside your bubble at all times.
Avoid congregation at the school gate and wall.
Please do not send your child to school if they are feeling unwell, if they are close contacts of a person with COVID-19, are awaiting a test or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

Stay safe everyone,

Mrs. Colleran



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