Over the last two days, all classes in our school have attended Zoom Talks with Barry Anderson from the Road Safety Authority. These talks were very informative and interesting while also reiterating safety when out and about on the roads. Just as a reminder to everyone as the days are getting darker in the evenings, BE SAFE, BE SEEN, BE CAREFUL!! I have attached a leaflet about safety and going to school for your information. https://rsa.ie/Documents/Road%20Safety/Leaflets/Leaf_booklets/Going_to_school.pdf
As we are now participating in the Safer Routes to School programme, please complete the survey that I shared last week. As part of the initial phase of this programme, the Safe Routes to School Team would like to gather information on how our students travel to school and where they start their journey.
Your input is needed to help create a safer school environment therefore, we are asking all parents to complete the short survey by 31st October.
Survey: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/f42aedbb4af54d3f94ced1db3a0ce1d9
The survey can be done on a smart phone or a computer.
There is an instructional video available here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmLccfH0ky0, if you need assistance in filling in the survey.
All data is stored in accordance with data protection and GDPR guidelines and our policy is available on the first page of the survey.
If you would like to learn more information about this programme, please click https://greenschoolsireland.org/saferoutestoschool/.
We look forward to making the roads and the routes around the school and Straffan safer for all road users in the near future.
Mrs. Colleran