
Return To School Information 2021/22

Dear Parents and Children,

It’s hard to believe that we are about to commence a new school year. I hope you all had a lovely summer and are refreshed and ready for our return to school 21/22. Unfortunately we are still very much under the grip of this pandemic so school routines will continue the same as last year.

Please find attached a summary document from our Covid-19 Return to School Plan for Scoil Bhríde Straffan. It is very similar to last year’s Covid-19 School Plan with slight adjustments to reflect the recent DES guidance for schools. Essentially our school is continuing to operate the same infection prevention and control measures as was in place last year. The attached document explains the staggered return dates, arrival and dismissal routines, parental responsibilities as well as advice and guidance on what the children will need to bring to school to assist the return to school safely.

As I did last year, I have prepared a “Return to School Video” to help guide the children to their classrooms on the first morning back on Tuesday 31st August. This can be viewed at

All schools have been asked by the DES to remind parents of the following:

There is to be no congregating at or near the school during drop off and collection times.
Communication with the school must take place by phone or online via the school app/email.
Parents are requested to be familiar with the symptoms of COVID-19 especially the Delta variant. These are outlined in the COVID Plan attached.

Parents are requested not to send their children to school if they are:
Close contacts of a person with COVID-19
Are awaiting a test
Are experiencing symptoms of COVID 19
If they live with someone who has symptoms of the virus
If they have travelled outside of Ireland (see latest Government Advise)

Our Class Teachers for next year are as follows:

Class Teachers for 2021/22
Junior Infants: Ms. Grace and Ms. Egan
Senior Infants: Ms. Gibbons and Ms. Byrne
First Class: Mr. Sweeney and Ms. Keena/ Ms. Hanlon
Second Class: Ms. Farrelly and Ms. Broderick
Third Class: Mr. Langton and Ms. Phelan/ Ms. Fagan
Fourth Class: Ms. Carr and Ms. McMahon (Ms. Moriarty)
Fifth Class: Ms. Cunningham and Mr. Keane
Sixth Class: Mr. Fennell and Ms. Travers

We request that all parents complete the Return to Education Form which is available on the school App from today.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon and hope you are keeping well as we get ready for our new school year.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and the weekend.

Le meas,

Mrs Colleran




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