
Easter Holidays Collection Plan

Dear Parents,

Following a very unusual term and a short return to the school building, we are finishing this Friday, 26th March for the Easter Holidays. I know it doesn’t feel like Easter but according to the calendar it is!!

In line with our School Covid Plan and to ensure limited contact with classes, we will have staggered collections from 11.30am. Please collect your children from the designated gates at the appointed time listed below and move along quickly as there will only be 5 minutes between each class bubble.

The times for collection are:
11.30:Buses arrive and will wait until 11.45am
11.30am Ms. Grace JI and Ms. Fagan’s SI
11.35am Ms. Kennedy’s JI and Ms. Gibbon”s SI

11.45am Children who take buses leave
11.50: 1st and 2nd Classes
11.55am 3rd and 4th classes
12 noon 5th and 6th classes

In the meantime, may I remind anyone returning to school after being absent, they must complete a “return to school declaration” each time. This form is located in our dropdowm menu in the APP under Consent Forms.

I wish you all a good week and keep safe so we can keep our school Covid Free.

Le gach dea ghuí,

Mrs Colleran


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